Monday, September 30, 2019

Psychological Benefits of Fashion Essay

Fashion has been identified as one of the prevailing entities that can be observed all throughout history. It is an indication of styles and customs that are widely practiced at a particular time. Nonetheless, the usage of such term is always associated with clothing. However, in a greater sense, the concept of fashion encompasses more than clothing— it is something that pertains to a much bigger picture. The interest if humans in fashion are not just of recent origin. To prove such point, since the pre-historic many people have adorned their skins with colored clays and even tattoos, while clothing has been considered as one of the most absorbing yet was also treated as an important issue in life as it represents many things about life as a whole. However, while fashion from the past was regarded as an aspect only reserved for the wealthy populace, the influence of such entity can now be felt everywhere, anytime at this moment. Today, from the poorest to the richest, from the inhabitants of the most metropolitan areas to the inhabitants of the most rural places, many individuals indulge in extravagant fashion. From here, one can simply ask what is it with fashion that motivates people to recognize it as a powerful entity? While physically fashion posit lots of benefits for individuals following the latest trend, limited studies were centered in understanding the benefits that fashion can offer for those who follow it. In this respect, this paper sought to answer the question: What are the psychological benefits of fashion for individuals following the trend? What is fashion? In order to give depth to the subject being taken, it is therefore an imperative to discuss what fashion is. One researcher pointed out that fashion is â€Å"a series of recurring changes in the choices of a group of people, which though they may be accompanied by utility, are not determined by it†¦ Fashion is marked by rhythmic and innovation, by alternate uniformity and change, but neither of these phases obeys the principle of utility† (Ross, n. p. qtd. in Hurlock, 4). From the given perspective, it can then be assumed that fashion is a response to the ongoing cycle of change. Although it can not be widely utilized, fashion for many is a solution for the conventionality of life. Therefore, there is a greater element of luxury and lesser element of usability. Because of this, fashion has become an integral part of the social environment. Today, fashion affects almost all aspects in life. Fashion can now be seen in architecture, manner, automobiles, home furnishings, personal adornments, music, games and the likes. As the society tends to become an organized group that perceives fashion as something more, it is therefore possible that the chances of fashion to hold on for long is high, because fashions are transferable from one individual to another within the groups they belong because of the sense of imitation (Hurlock). So what is it that motivates individuals to follow such trend? The answer is simple; it benefits their psychological well- being other than the physical usefulness of such entity. Psychological benefits of fashion Sense of acceptance and belongingness Both ridicule and scorn are the sanctions that force people to embrace fashion, and in such case the dissenter is said to be powerless in such manner. When one refuses fashion that has been widely accepted by many, the dissenter is more likely to hurt himself, but rarely hurts fashion itself. Public opinion is a powerful entity which can persuade a person to accept fashion (Hurlock). Today, however, fashion is now more of a pavement that leads an individual to gain entry to a particular group. For instance, a group wears a certain memorabilia so as to indicate their allegiances to education. People follow fashion, most especially in the context of wearing clothes, in accordance to their age cohorts, ethnic backgrounds, social class and professional affiliations. It is noteworthy that every individual has the innate desire to belong to a system or an established group, thus recognizing fashion is one way of signaling membership within a relevant in-group (Baumeister and Leary, 1995 qtd. in Saad, 2007). There are numerous practices that are done in order to solidify the behavior of an in-group, one of which is their consumption choices that re-affirm the membership of individuals. The fashion industry is often seen as a group exercise of conformity and identification. In short, the innate need to belong is sufficed by the fashion industry. As an industry that is followed by millions of individuals; consumers are therefore repeatedly engaging in behaviors that ensure that they indeed belong to the â€Å"fashionable group. † Thus, fashion in itself has usurped the innate needs of humans to belong. Specifically, the overt signals of belongingness are labile in nature such as in order to become fashionable and to gain entry to a fashionable group an individual must continuously buy the continuously changing fashion, accessories and adornments. While some claim that fashion trends are mere representations of the pretentious life of wealth and are only made available to the privileged classes (Locke and De Chamfort qtd. in Saad), the popular fashion trends of today are now made available to the masses, thereby allowing consumers that originate from any social classes can now feel the cues of belongingness, most especially within the reference group through the fashion trends that they have come to adopt (Saad). The innovations provided by fashion, such as new clothing and the sole benefit of the adopter to such particular innovation, specifically that of belongingness and acceptance is just one of the many instantiated psychological benefits of fashion. Establishment of Identity Psychologically, identity is said to have two important dimensions, the personal and the social. However, both dimensions of identity are related in the psychological concept of â€Å"self,† â€Å"self-identity,† and â€Å"self concept. † Yet each of the said terms more often than not given complex and at time inconsistent meanings which makes it hard for identity to be defined. Therefore, the safest way to define identity is that it is the subjective concept or representation that an individual holds of who she or he really is (Vignoles, Regalia, Manzi, Golledge and Scabini, 2006 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell). The said definition highlights two important aspects. First is that identity is in the position of a person’s subjective psychological experience instead of referring to it as an objective essence. Second is that, identity is inclusive, which often involves individual, relational and group level representation of the self (Sedikides and Brewer, 2001 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell). This also implies that identity is multi-faceted in nature, and that it is made up of various self- representations that vary from each other which instead of making a unitary structure integrates varying aspects of the self (Donahue, Robins, Roberts and John, 1993, 834 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell). Generally, the given definition means that every individual has multiple identities. Such perspective has been consistent from research findings, as people who are often asked â€Å"who are you ? † listed differing qualities and material objects that satisfy their needs (Gordon, 1968 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell). From William James’s â€Å"Principle of psychology,† he identified that one of the many representations of the identity is the â€Å"material self. † He noted that an individual’s identity, aside from the body’s physical boundaries also includes material goods (James, 1890 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell). In addition to personal identity, another domain that is manifested within its context is that of body image, which connote one’s thoughts and feelings about his or her physical body (Dittmar, 2005c qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell). Traditionally, body image is not considered as a domain of identity. However, as body image constitutes a subjective concept, wherein a person sees this as the self-representation of their bodies to other, therefore it makes a lot of sense to hold such concept as a part of identity (Dittmar,Phillips and Halliwell, 2007; Halliwell and Dittmar, 2006 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell). So, how are these this related to fashion? For the most of its followers, fashion may it be in the aspect of music, arts and the likes, is the gateway for them to develop and maintain their identities. Fashion, in most part, plays a significant role in the lives of many because it makes them view themselves in a different light; helping them define who they really are and how they really feel. By simply purchasing the things that they want and are in style, their specific needs are already met and they already feel secure about themselves, because they know that they look good in the eyes of others (Zborowski). In short, fashion is in touch with the identity domain of the â€Å"material self† and â€Å"body image,† as it satisfies the needs of material goods and the attention that one gives in his or her body as a whole. Fashion does not only create identity, but also changes it. One person can go from â€Å"hip-hop† to â€Å"goth. † Not at all times fashion have the same effect on everyone. For some, they are satisfied with their clothing’s comfort and versatility. They may not feel the pull that they have to follow the latest trends, but the fact still remains that they already established a social identity by allowing themselves to recognize that fashion is an on-going cycle. Take for example in clothing, whether an individual follows a trend or not, the effect of stating one’s own fashion through such medium can already serve as a code for people to believe that an individual is who he or she is by the clothes that he or she wears; the person may inculcate a political statement or just become one of the crowd. The multi-functionality of fashion as well as the contradiction it presents can be used as a means of impressing, rebellion or either to fit or stand-out of the crowd. As fashion is a personal choice, it gives its followers the liberty to decide on the how they can present themselves to the world (Zborowski). According to author Evelyn Brannon â€Å"fashion is both public—the impression we make on others—and private the way we explore our own personality and tastes† (Brannon, n. p. qtd. in Zborowski, 30). People are apt to think that as fashion meets the desire of an individual to differentiate oneself from the group, and at the same time to conform to the social norms, buying new styles are efficient means of establishing individuality. Soon enough, the styles they opt to use will be recognized by everyone else that, the same clothes and accessories they wear will eventually be paraded by other people. As such, in order to deviate people to like just like everyone else, most fashion designers recognizes the minute a trend is already plunging into the conventional level. So, they would release new styles because they understand that every individual’s need to express themselves. The cycle would then eventually flow once again: people will purchase unique and fashionable items in order to re-establish their identities (Zborowski). Sense of Positive Well-Being Historically, psychology has been pretty much concerned with the indicators of a person’s ill-health and unhappiness. Recently, the focus of psychology is on the explicit factor that promotes a person’s well-being, which is known as â€Å"positive psychology† (Csikzentmihayali and Csikzentmihayali, 2006 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell). It has been noted that one of the most important aspects of a person’s well-being is his or her experience of happiness, which is truly subjective in nature. Apparently, the good and bad events in one’s life affect an individual’s happiness temporarily. However, it should also be understood that people can and do adjust with this happiness. For example, one study found out that lottery winners and victims of accidents that both ended in wheelchairs after their initial reaction to their good and bad experiences, have returned to their levels of happiness prior to experiencing such events (Brickman, Coates and Hanoof-Bulman, 1978 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwelll). However, happiness is something that cannot be easily measured; as such recent studies have focused more on the construct of a person’s subjective well-being (Diener, Suh, Lucas and Smith, 1999 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell). Such construct may include over-all cognitive evaluation of one’s life, sense of satisfaction, the â€Å"frequent experience of positive emotion and the absence of negative emotions. † From the said perspective, it can be said that self-evaluation, like dissatisfaction about life or body, the measure of positive experiences, such as high self-esteem and body-esteem, and the measure of negative experiences like depression and anxiety, can be clear indicators of positive and negative well-being. Additionally, in relation to an individual’s material and bodily well being, behaviors such as disorder eating patterns and compulsive buying of goods are also detrimental for the psychological and physical health of a person in order to identify whether their well-being is healthy or not (Dittmar and Halliwell). How does fashion fit in the big picture? As stated from the given perspective, some of the indicators of a person’s positive well-being are high self-esteem and satisfaction. Partaking in a shopping spree in order to buy and select the latest fashion is an exhilarating experience that promotes self transformation may it be in the physical and mental sense. Although, fashion is temporary at times, in the long-run it boosts an individual’s self-esteem, and provides them the confidence that perhaps they may have lost in some events in their life, allowing them to feel that they are special and unique (Zborowski). To prove such point, a shirt is just a shirt—until a designer logo is placed on it, and knowing the caliber of such things, its price is far higher compared to other goods. So, why do people pay for such large amounts just for the privilege of wearing it? For many the reason is within two perspectives. First, designer labels allow individuals to have a sense of self-worth by just the association of it. Personally, once individuals purchase fashionable stuffs with designer labels, the wearer’s self-esteem is temporarily boost because they somehow made a connection with well-known and expensive names that not all can experience. Although mass-produced, that fact that the purchase is not the same as others makes the buyers feel that they are special and unique. Likewise, designer labels also serve as the symbolical representation of who the person is and who he or she hopes to be. Parallel to this, the self-worth of an individual is further elevated by the society or maybe their peers that are brand conscious, making them happy temporarily as they feel that they already fit in the circle and they are already at ease in the situation wherein in a regular basis they often feel out of place (Zborowski). In addition to this, fashion followers tends to make connection with other individuals who have common outlook in life thereby reinforcing bonds that in a regular setting does not usually takes place. For instance, a mere inquiry about a certain design of a current home decor can catapult an individual to share what he or she knows about the said product. For the person who shared the idea there is a sense of fulfillment because within himself or herself, he or she knew that he or she already shared something significant to the individual, and this is something that is priceless. On the other hand, the person who inquired about the product can approve of such outlook, as he or she may perceived the same thing and it is quite a confirmation of what she or he feels. Meanwhile, fashion can also be a form of relaxation and an escape from the monotony of life. For one, shopping for fashion is not an easy task, but for many it is something that lifts their spirit as it is an indication that the person is in control of his or her personal environment. As stated, there are no laws that make an individual accept fashion. â€Å"No fashion is imposed upon an individual by force† (Hurlock, 8). Both the acceptance and rejection of fashion is in accordance to individual discretion. As such, person is free to make decision as to what actions he or she will take. Fashion is an invaluable tool that allows a person to move to through the world, may it be in the social or business setting. It serves as a communication where in an individual can freely move on top of things; persuading an individual to accept such freedom. More than anything else, freedom is something that allows an individual to gave a positive outlook about himself or herself, because there is no one to condemn his or her actions, and such perspective can be seen in fashion. As stated earlier, a high-self esteem and satisfaction are some of the key factors of attaining positive well-being, and this is provided by fashion through freedom of choice and the affirmation of an individual’s character and spirit. In other words, following fashion have become an imperative means of acquiring, attempting and establishing one’s well-being as it signifies the liberty to choose and symbolizes the ideals of happiness and a break away from the conventional. The association of individuals with the products that they feel are fashionable connotes that they are utterly re-evaluating themselves in order to know what type of particular trend or style they feel happy about. Moreover, a person’s inclination with fashion is one vehicle for them to escape depression, stress and anxiety because they know within themselves that on their life there is one thing that truly decreases their ill feelings, which is fashion. Conclusion From the given perspectives, it is safe to say that fashion is truly something that is inescapable. Since time immemorial people have been engaged in such aspect and over time it has developed into something that is far more reaching. It is a sign of change, as it is an on going cycle that allows a person the opportunity of following the trends or not. While many people claim that fashion is an indication of higher standards of living, current conditions today makes fashion available to everyone else most especially to the masses, making it more recognizable and diverse. For the followers of fashion, such word encompasses not only being fashionable; it is also a host of myriads of psychological benefits that makes it worth engaging to. Fashion is perceived as an avenue for individuals to feel a sense of belongingness and acceptance. It serves as the rights of passage for people to become comfortable and inclined with groups that share their same interests. Fashion is able to provide the innate needs of humans to be accepted and to belong through its continuous change of concept and availability to the public. It allows an individual to make allegiances with people they knew would understand them. One of the greatest benefits posted by fashion is its capability to establish and change and individual’s identity. Because it satisfies both the domains of material self and body image, a person is able to freely express himself through the fashion trend that he wears and practice. It creates a sense of individuality and promotes proper self-representation because in many ways fashion expresses the inner self of an individual. Establishment of a positive well-being is also another benefit that can be derived from following fashion. With the freedom it gives individuals in order to choose what they believe is fit for their personality, fashion promotes high-self esteem and satisfaction which spells an individual’s positive outlook in life and happiness. Although it is limited at one point or another, the happiness provided by fashion is just enough for individuals to see themselves in the light of who they wanted to become. Likewise, the ability to take control of themselves and their environment through fashion is something that inimitable as it provides them ground to realize the many good things that life has to offer. Generally, fashion is a clear manifestation of how trends, styles and changes, and in a greater sense the power of individuals to develop the sense of belongingness and acceptance, establishment of identity, and a sense of positive well being that greatly benefit their psychological well-being. Works cited Dittmar, Helga and Halliwell, Emma. Consumer culture, identity and well-being: The search for the â€Å"good life† and body perfect. New York, NY: Routledge, 2008. Hulock, Elizabeth. The psychology of dress: An analysis of fashion and its motive. Manchester, NH: Ayer Publishing: 1976 Saad, Gad. The evolutionary bases of consumption. New York, NY: Routledge: 2007 Zborowski, Megan. â€Å"The fashionable brain: Dissecting why fashion gas such a grip on the minds of the masses. † Colored Stone Magazine, vol. 17, No. 6 November/ December 2004

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Children Should Not Own A Smartphone Education Essay

Smart phone is going more and more popular presents as its user-friendly design and convenient multi-function. About all people, including aged and kids, in Hong Kong have their ain smartphone. Nevertheless, should smartphone been owned by a immature kid? Since smartphone brings tonss negative consequence to kids on acquisition, societal and wellness, the kids should non be allowed to have a smartphone. The job of smartphone brings on kids has long been concerned by schools. Tonss of secondary and primary schools are non allowed their pupils to convey phone to school because phones take their attending off from their lessons and destroy subject. Students who bring their phone to school go against the school ordinance and their phones will be confiscated by the instructor. This regulation does non merely concentrate on smartphone as it has been set for a long clip, and there were non smartphone when the regulation set. Smartphone has much more maps and applications which lead to a bigger influence on pupils ‘ concentration on survey. Some parents do non hold to this censoring as they think that having a nomadic phone supports kids safer as they could cognize where their kids are through calls, texts every bit good as communication and Global Position System ( GPS ) applications and be certain if their kids are safe. Besides, in an exigency, kids can name for a aid rapidly and easy. Indeed, having a smartphone does non maintain kids safe but put them into an insecure state of affairs as they are transporting an expensive stylish deice which makes them a mark for felons. Millions of people are robbed of cell phone every twelvemonth while some of the instances are involved with force. Furthermore, many kids spend so much clip speaking on the phone, texting with friends or playing games, and therefore do non aware what is traveling on around them. Every twelvemonth kids cause auto accidents because their attending was on their phone activities but non the traffic while traversing the street. Parents may reason that the smartphone is helpful on larning. Schools presents are promoting broad acquisition which requires pupils to seek tonss of information themselves. Smartphone is a suited and utile tool to help pupils to accomplish the broad acquisition and broaden their skyline. It is much more convenient or the pupil to seek for information which is related to their survey and helpful for them to take exposures and pictures to enter any new find at any clip and in any new topographic point. Take for an illustration, harmonizing to a instructor from a primary in United States â€Å" We have seen an addition in ‘time on undertaking ‘ in our fifth-grade pupils. Students who would usually compose a few words or a sentence on paper are now composing paragraphs and beyond on their smartphones. † ( Dickerson & A ; Schad, 2012 ) Smartphone does give a great aid to pupils on this instance, however such benefit can besides be achieved by an e-book and a digital ca mera. Smartphone is utile but non the lone tool on helping pupil acquisition. Furthermore, pupil will be addicted to smartphones non for larning intent but for playing games, chew the fating every bit good as look intoing the new position of their friends on facebook. From the study conducted by Time magazine â€Å" 84 per centum of respondents said that they could non travel a individual twenty-four hours without their cellular telephones, and 20 per centum of respondents look into their phone every 10 proceedingss every bit good as 24 per centum said they had used text messages to put up a rendezvous with person they were holding an matter with, a figure that includes 56 per centum of Chinese respondents. † ( Gilbert, 2012 ) From the statistic the consequence that pupil ‘s carelessness on their survey is foreseeable as their concentration will be putted on the smartphone activities if they are allowed to hold their ain smartphone. Smartphone merely as intoxicant and drugs which is habit-forming and brings injuries to human organic structure. However, we ever merely basking the convenient bring to us but have ignored the negative facet of smartphone. Smartphone dose brings tonss of negative influence to kids. School already put regulation to avoid kids to be addicted to smartphone, nevertheless merely by the attempt from school is non plenty. To protect kids and to allow them hold a better development, authorities should pass to censor the kids below 16 having smartphone, and companies should non sell smartphone to kids below 16. A authorities authorization has to be established to implement the regulation every bit good, otherwise the statute law is nonmeaningful. Government should besides make advertizement to educate the populace the proper usage of smartphone and the effect of addicted on smartphone. Parents besides have their duty to protect the kids by non giving their smartphone to their kids to play. Th e corporation from authorities and parents is of import on salvaging kids from the injury of smartphone. Some people may oppose to this statute law as they think that smartphone dose Lashkar-e-Taiba larning easier and interesting which are good to kids development. The learning games, dictionary, linguistic communication larning application and scientific reckoner are helpful tools to help kids on acquisition. Children could happen that larning is non such hard with the aid of these user friendly larning applications. The MLDs[ 1 ], an American company supplying web service on personal and commercial usage, is a good illustration on that. The MLDs is utile to associate the place with the school in ways non possible before ( Tomko, 2010 ) . The ability to entree information from the thenars of their custodies, student-to-student conversation has increased. When jobs arise, the pupils ask each other, non the instructor. And pupils are going more autonomous scholars, since their lessons are all on their MLDs. They know what their acquisition undertakings are. Nevertheless, the MLDs web and other larning applications can besides be accessed through I-pad or e-book, but non merely smartphone. Therefore, this can non be a ground on rejecting the forbiddance. Apart from the influence on acquisition, smartphone besides be an obstruction on development kids ‘s societal accomplishment. The societal country of the kids is bounded in the cyberspace societal web site or societal applications as a consequence of hooking to the usage of smartphone. They merely communicate with friends through the smartphone but seldom have a face to confront communicating with the people environing. Many people must been in the odd ambiance in which all the friends around are concentrating on their smartphone playing games or whatsapping with their friend during a repast in the eating house. People around the tabular array are friends and holding repast together, nevertheless no conversation between them. Turning up in such a non-face-to-face-communicating environment does impede kids ‘s societal ability. Furthermore, utilizing smartphone brings possible long-run wellness hazards, such as behavioural jobs on kids, increased malignant neoplastic disease hazard every bit good as decreased male birthrate, particularly in kids use. The research led by Dr Siegal Sadetzki, an epidemiologist at Gertner Institute, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Israel, found that heavy cell phone users had a 50 % higher hazard of developing a parotid tumour which arise in the salivary secretory organ near the ears and the jaw, a place where cellular telephones are typically held, and they can be malignant or benign. Because kids ‘s encephalons and nervous systems are still developing, any possible harm to them is even more serious than for grownups. The wireless frequence emanations from the phones could do other wellness issues in other parts of the organic structure, such as the harm to the cardinal nervous system, and thereby holding a negative impact on larning or behaviour, or malignant neoplastic dis eases could ensue in variety meats other than the encephalon.[ 2 ]There are besides surveies which reveal the negative impact of cell phones on the wellness of the immature 1s. For illustration, rather late, Dr Kheifets and research workers in Denmark discovered that kids who used cell phones and whose female parents had used cellular telephones during their gestation had 80 % higher incidence of behavioural issues. These include emotional issues, hyperactivity, inattention and holding jobs with their equals. Even those kids who themselves did non hold cellular telephone exposure except during their female parents ‘ gestations had 54 % higher incidence of such jobs. All in all, the injury brings from smartphone has long been a job which be neglected. Government should pass to censor the kids below 16 having smartphone every bit shortly as possible in order to avoid kids being affected or harmed by smartphone. Merely avoiding kids to be affected in school is non plenty, authorities and parents have their duty on salvaging kids from the injury of smartphone. Merely by the corporation of school, authorities every bit good as parents can the job be solved, and can the kids have a better development.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Aircraft cabin load Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Aircraft cabin load - Essay Example It also provides propulsion and large supply of fuel, food, and engineering parts. Weight knowledge is important to ensure stability of the carrier as this has effect on the operational life of the ship. Space should be enough to support the weight of an aircraft. Density describes how much weight is in a given volume of a material. When a ship is placed in water, it displaces water whose variable is its volume. When a larger volume shipment is placed on the carrier for shipping, it displaces more water equivalent to its volume as compared to a dense shipment and it results to more costs (Schepisi, 2007). A good understanding of the aircraft cabin load by both the producers and the customers provides a good relationship between the two. Customers who understand how ACL influences pricing of products are more satisfied with the costs they incur while shipping their goods. This helps them calculate on the reasonable profits and effective personal business growth (Schepisi, 2007). Knowledge of calculating aircraft cabin load helps the providers understand the procedures of taxing and the key issues that influence the pricing of a commodity. Taxing by the government reduces corruption and promotes economic growth. It is of great importance that the providers and customers understand the calculation of aircraft cabin load for effective shipping. Schepisi, Giuseppe.  The Practical Calculation of the Load Distribution on Aircraft. Neuilly-sur-Seine, France: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, 1957.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Sustainable architecture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sustainable architecture - Research Paper Example Sustainable architecture starts with linkage to personal values and involves the social, environmental and economic conditions of a project. Similarly, architectural expression emanates from this desire, responding to certain watershed, locations, sites, societies and proximities. The answers to what constitutes sustainable architecture embrace a range as wide and dynamic as the challenges facing the globe and the statements list is as diverse and extensive as the civilization the dominate the world. Sustainable development embraces a balanced sociocultural, ecological and economic progress. The above elements also characterize sustainable architecture. Construction and design is one of the extensive world industries; hence their effects on sustainability are enormous, (Turrent 85). The metropolis and municipalities people have designed and constructed to satisfy their ever-increasing requirements have been unproductively consuming the resources of the earth, while declining to satis fy millions of humans. Sustainable architecture is a necessity if people wish to ensure human and enduring planet existence. Attaining sustainable architecture needs a multifaceted global effort by all countries. Sustainable architectural practices must appear in all places, address various challenges, occur in various levels, function in different contexts, serve various requirements and limitations, be applicable at various scales and use diverse disciplines. Similarly, the possibilities, requirements, potentials are diverse in each nation, similar to levels of education, techniques, industrializations, mechanisms, strategies and motivation. Each nation, person and community, should identify best-suited remedies, and via domestic action contribute to progress at a global level. Sustainable architecture is sweeping change in that it can be attained globally. There are various areas to start, various points to address the challenge, diverse attractive ways to construct structures an d towns and increased effective ways to utilize, replenish and recycle resources. In other words, it ranges from high- tech remedies to low technological strategies, research, advancements, education, industrial achievements, innovation of design, economic aspects, legislative measures and enormous adoption of beneficial practices as principle practices. Significant potential lies in substituting adverse measures with beneficial measures and increasing the advancements in architectural structures and cities all over the globe. Sustainable construction should support better living that incorporates better utilization of land, urban development and construction. Better land use involves preservation of useful, natural areas and ensures health balance amidst constructed and natural environments. Better urban planning entail proficient means of transportation and effective systems of infrastructure – constructed to reduce consumption, garbage and affluence during utilization. Eff icient towns, municipalities and structures, are long lasting, appealing and flexible to other future uses, effective in resource use (energy and raw materials such as recycling after use), and well suited to environmental, human and society needs. Sustainable arch

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Unique style and technique of Sandro Botticelli Research Paper

Unique style and technique of Sandro Botticelli - Research Paper Example All the aesthetics of the Italian Renaissance reached its highest stage of development by the end of the 15th century in the works of the eminent Florentine school artists - Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti. Their works masterly show the two sides of our existence - spirituality and humanity; subtle excellence of works of the High Renaissance places emphasis on the interrelationship of personal world and objective reality. Botticelli worked mostly with the subjects drawn from the Bible, frequently from the New Testament and classical antique mythology.It seems, at first glance, that he was concerned with purely religious or mythological subjects – the subjects artists used to turn to centuries ago. But it’s just enough to look at his Renaissance Madonnas to realize that there is nothing in common between them and the Virgin and Child on icons. The sacred theme appears just as a secular portrait of a young woman whose name is even known. W hat is this? Broadness? Sacrilege? The life journey of Sandro Botticelli, his unique style and technique, will be examined through the example of his timeless works of art in this paper. Giorgio Vasari, an Italian painter of the 16th century, an outstanding biographer of many Italian artists, begins the biography of Sandro Botticelli saying that at the time of Lorenzo de Medici the Magnificent, which truly was the golden age for every gifted man, reached his peak the creative work of Alessandro, named between us as Sandro, nicknamed Botticelli. Botticelli was one of the most prominent figures of the blessed era associated with the name of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Like most of the titans of the Renaissance he was of humble origin. His success was in his energy, will, intelligence and talent. All this plus rare charm and tact helped the son of a tanner to enter the very select circle of cultural and artistic elite of Europe. He was born in Florence in 1445. His real name was Alessandr o Filipepi. He was the youngest of four sons of Mariano Filipepi and his wife Esmeralda. The first mention of Alessandro, as well as of the other Florentine artists, we find in the â€Å"portate al Catasto†- a kind of register of incomes for taxation which was kept in accordance with the decree of the Republic. So, in 1458, Mariano Filipepi stated that he had four sons - Giovanni, Antonio, Simon and thirteen years old Sandro and added that Sandro was learning to read and the boy was sickly. Jewelry became the turning point in the development of the young Botticelli. Alessandro was sent by his father, tired of his extravagant restless mind, to learn the skill of jewelry. According to Vasari, there was a close relationship between jewelers and painters at that time. To work in a workshop of the first meant to get direct access to the craft of the latter. Sandro became skilled in drawing, which was necessary for accurate and confident black finish. Soon he became interested in p ainting and decided to devote his life to it. He never forgets the valuable lessons of jewelry - precision in drawing of contour lines and skillful use of gold (he often uses it as an additive for paint or for the background, in pure form). In 1464 Sandro joined the school of the excellent painter, Fra Filippo Lippi, the Carmelite, from the Monastery of Santa Maria del Carmine. Lippi’s workshop was then in Prato, where the artist worked until 1466 on the frescoes of the Cathedral. In 1465 Filippo painted his Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels. It became the indisputable pattern of composition and style for many early works by Botticelli, like Madonna and Child with an Angel and Madonna della Loggia. Even the earliest works by Sandro are distinguished by a special, almost imperceptible, atmosphere of spirituality and poetry of images - for  Botticelli  painting tended towards the poetic not simply because of its lyrical

Valuation of property Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Valuation of property - Article Example A real estate appraisal is performed by a licensed or certified appraiser (in many countries known as a property valuer or land valuer and in British English as a surveyor). If the appraiser's opinion is based on Market Value, then it must also be based on the Highest and Best Use of the real property. For mortgage valuations of improved residential property in the US, the appraisal is most often reported on a standardized form, such as the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report. Appraisals of more complex property (e.g. -- income producing, raw land) are usually reported in a narrative appraisal report. agents and supplied as part of the negotiations relating to the sale of the site was seen to contain a series of calculative errors on checking the calculations. The site value provided by the landowners is found to be 'excessive'. Thus, we see that the corrected valuation of the site is closer to 7.5 million pounds and not 8.5 million pounds as suggested by the landowners' agents in their appraisal. So their appraisal is found to be faulty and the inherent errors and series of calculative errors are identified and corrected. The significance of a sale of a similar nearby property for 5,000,000 pounds is relatively significant in the appraisal and ca... The rate of interest for a short term housing loan is closer to 13%. Calculative errors: This is the appraisal as submitted by the landowners' agents which was found to contain a series of calculative errors and inherent flaws. Detailed Residual Valuation Development Income Shops 800m2 *95% 760 * 250m2 '190,000 Offices 6,750m2 *90% 6,075 * 200m2 '1,215,000 Total Income '1,405,000 YP in 2 years 7% 14.28 Gross Development Value '20,063,400 Development Costs Building Cost Shops 800m2 * '500m2 '284,000 Offices 5,400m2 * '850m2 '4,590,000 Subtotal '4,990,000 Ancillary Costs ' 150,000 Subtotal '5,140,000 Professional Fees 12.50% '642,500 Subtotal '5,782,500 Short Term Finance say 12% on ' total costs for 24 months '2,891,250 *(1.12)^2 - '2,891,250 '735,533 Subtotal '6,518,033 Letting Fees 15% of Income '210,750 Subtotal '6,518,033 Developers Profit, 20% of '5,782,500 '1,156,500 Total Development Costs '7,674,533 Residual Value '12,388,867 Site Value on completion: Site Value Calculation 1.03x (1.12)^3 = 1.45 12,388,867 / 1.45 '8,544,046 Corrected Calculations: This is the alternative 'more accurate' valuation of the site. Detailed Residual Valuation Development Income Shops 800m2 *95% 760 * 250/m2 '190,000 Offices 6,750m2 *90% 6,075 * 200/m2 '1,215,000 Total Income '1,405,000 YP in 2 years 7% 14.28 Gross Development Value '20,063,400 Development Costs Building Cost Shops 800m2 * '550m2 '440,000 Offices 5,400m2 * '900m2

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Sustainable Design Essay

An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Sustainable Design - Essay Example The balancing of these aspects in the new product development design is the outlook of ‘Sustainable product development and design’. â€Å"To create sustainable products and services that increase stakeholders quality of life, whilst at the same time achieving major reductions in resource and energy use, will require a significant emphasis on stimulating new ideas through higher levels of creativity and innovation†- e generation Business Learning Centre. Thus it becomes evident that creating new designs may need increased creativity as well as the fullest involvement form the varied strata of people, if new solutions and designs are to be generated which will substantiate the Sustainable Product Design Development. In general ‘sustainable development’ is to be seen as a basic human concept dealing with the kind of environment the people would like to live in. Sustainable development is a strong image but a provocative one. The best place to get good suggestions on the sustained development is the ‘customers’. Many companies have forgotten to talk to customers but have focused inwardly on the technological and improvements required for, primarily eco-design using less energy and less components etc. In many cases such suggestions may not be the right solution but nevertheless, it can be demonstrated that new ideas can reach marketplace if the conditions are right.† Quite understandably, the majority of people do not understand the academic concept of sustainable development. Indeed, research for the Department of Environment in the UK, indicated that sustainable development was seen as a government construct to keep people out of environmental issues† Marti n Charter and Anne Chick (1997). Keeping this context in view, this paper attempts to cover an overview of creation of new sustainable product designs to manufacture products, services and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

NASAs Space Infrared Telescope Exploring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

NASAs Space Infrared Telescope Exploring - Essay Example I also read about how supernovas, also known as exploding stars, combine with other materials floating in space to form planets and new galaxies ("Life and Death", 2004). These concepts kept dancing around my head and made me wonder about finding life on one or more of these planets or galaxies. Earth was created in much the same way. Scientists are theorizing that the same icy organic materials visible for the first time with the assistance of Spitzer was how our planet came to have so much water and the beginning of biogenic materials from which to begin the process of life here on earth ("Spotting Life", 2004). Spitzer found an interesting clean gap behind a star called CoKu Tau 4, which is 1million years old, only 3 billion years younger than Earth. A planet orbiting CoKu Tau 4 could cause this gap. A planet Spitzer is not able to discern this planet, however, what if this is a younger version of Earth What if all of the carbon-based, life-enabling materials are available for this planet circling CoKu Tau 4 to create life from What if future manned explorations travel to this star system and encounter life What would life be like How would NASA and the world respond What if instead of being carbon-based, these life forms were methane based A recent article on Universe Today, that spoke of lake on Titan, Sa

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Politics and Sociology of Media and Culture Essay

The Politics and Sociology of Media and Culture - Essay Example However, a particularly vulnerable sector or demographic are adolescents, not only because of the access they have to virtually all forms of media – such as the internet, television, radio, newspapers and magazines – but also because they are at an age where they are particularly vulnerable. They have yet to develop sufficient maturity and discernment necessary to filter out potentially destructive messages and unhealthy ideas streaming in from various media sources. One such threat to adolescents in particular and to the general viewing public in general are reality TV shows. There have been a slew of reality TV shows out in the market over the past few years. Some of them test one’s physical mettle like Amazing Race, others have to do with the search for love like The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, others test one’s aptitude in various fields of endeavor like The Apprentice, and yet others talk about undergoing physical transformations like The Swan, a reality TV series in the United States produced by Fox TV. The show â€Å"The Swan† is rife with political and sociological meaning. While it is indeed very entertaining and riveting, it is loaded with so many negative messages that present trouble for the impressionable adolescent girl-child. First of all, it breeds stereotypes. It has long been established that factual and fictional media portrayals have a propensity to activate culturally shared racial and gender stereotypes and affect judgment involving those who belong to stereotyped groups

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The reproduction of the cats Essay Example for Free

The reproduction of the cats Essay Cats are prolific breeders. Females take just 6 to 9 months to reach sexual maturity; but it is not unheard of for female kittens as young as 4 months to become pregnant. Males mature a bit later but both sexes can breed before they are a year old. Although female can become pregnant at any time of the year, there are specific mating seasons when cats become sexually active. In northern Europe it is usual for domestic female cats to come into heat (estrus cycle) in January and then again in June. The estrus cycle is the period in the female reproduction cycle when mating is most likely to occur. A heat period lasts about 4 to 7 days if the cat is mated and longer otherwise. Female cats indicate their readiness to mate by calling for male company with a special type of yowl, which like the (highly vocal) mating itself has often disturbed the sleep of humans who live in the vicinity. One of the most interesting features of the reproductive process of cats is a phenomenon known as induced ovulation. The male cats penis has backward pointing spines which scratch the interior of its partner, and cause ovulation to occur. Because pregnancy will not take place without this stimulus, quite often the first cats to mate with a queen with not father any kittens. However, the super-fertility of cats means that once she gets started, the female is capable of having a number of partners, and bearing kittens from several fathers in the same litter. The mothers eggs are fertilized in the oviduct and arrive in the uterus 4-5 days after mating. Cats do not go about the process quietly, and to the unpracticed ear the process sounds remarkably like a prolonged and very vocal cat-fight. Pregnancy lasts between 56 and 71 days, with the average pregnancy taking 68 days. Litters are most commonly of 3-6 kittens, but a single litter may have as many as nine. The record was a litter 19 kittens; the mother being a Burmese/Siamese cross from Oxford shire in England. The kittens were born on the 7th of August. Unfortunately four of the kittens were stillborn. Lets meet at the milk bar A few days before she is due to give birth the pregnant female will become restless and will look for the best nest. This will normally be quiet, warm and in one of the darker parts of the house. This is where she will give birth. It is a good idea not to disturb her in her nesting place. Kittens are both blind and deaf when born but otherwise well developed. They are, for example, more responsive than newborn puppies. A newborn kitten has a very good sense of smell and she will soon select a teat to feed from and will suck at no other. A kitten will be ready to play at three weeks old and will be fully weaned by 8 weeks. The mother can come into heat as soon as four weeks after giving birth. If the kittens are pedigreed, the father is referred to as the sire and the technical term for the mother is the dam. As we said earlier cats are prolific breeders and can breed throughout their lifespan. Again dipping to a feline book of records we will find that the most prolific breeder ever recorded was a tabby from Texas, USA called Dusty. She produced 420 kittens, the last litter being in 1952. Although fertility may gradually decline over time, cats do not go through the menopause. Therefore there is no age after which a female cat can no longer become pregnant. Indeed the oldest cat to have a litter was Litty, who gave birth to two kittens in May 1987 when she was 30 years old. With this birthrate it is no wonder than left to itself the feline population will quickly run out of control. It has been estimated that in a 12-year lifespan, without human intervention, a single female cat could be responsible for as many as 3500 descendants. There are already too many cats born each year and sadly, many are destroyed. It is therefore important that the cats are neutered as early as possible. Neutered cats are much better pets and studies have also shown that females spayed before they are six months have a significantly reduced risk of mammary (breast) cancer. It is also the case that if male cats are spayed later, they may continue aggressive scent-marking (spraying with urine), out of sheer force of habit.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Limitations of Qualitative Research

Limitations of Qualitative Research Discuss The Strengths And Limitations Of Quantitative And Qualitative Data In Supporting Knowledge Claims In The Human Sciences And At Least One Other Area Of Knowledge. Theres no such thing as qualitative data. Everything is either 1 or 0†(Fred Kerlinger) All research ultimately has a qualitative grounding(Donald Campbell) Based on what Kerlinger and Campbell said, we can see different angle of views on quantitative data and qualitative data. From Kerlinger points of view, he rejected qualitative data totally but Donald in the other hand said that the basic of all research is qualitative data. One question arises is why do this two contradict views occurred? Before answering the question, a depth understanding on how this two data works should be done at the first place. When we think about quantitative data, immediately our powerful photographic memories will recall everything that deals with numbers such as height, weight and many more. When the word qualitative data comes across our mind, we will think about something which are descriptive such as colours, beauty and so on. Qualitative data can be obtained by the qualitative research which may save the researcher from making inappropriate assumptions as they proceed to design another stage of their work. What is the significant of this two data in human lives? Basically, quantitative data and qualitative data information are evidence to support ones claim. Without the existence of this two data, the validity of a research is unacceptable because of there are no evidence to support the claims. By using our common sense, ask ourselves, can we immediately believe something is said to be true without any supporting data? The answer is exactly no. To answer the first question, the contradiction of views occur is due to the strengths and limitations of both data. Therefore, to get a clear view on how do these quantitative and qualitative data are used as the supporting evidence, we shall discuss in this in the perspective of human science. Human science is about same universal principles, processes and patterns govern and underlie human activities in different fields such as psychology, social and cultural anthropology, economic and many more. Dealing with human being is never going to be an easy task because human are very complex. The complexities of the human being has lead to the a new branch of science which is human science in order to study the behavior of human. One of the behavior that is crucial to be passed on from one generation to other generation of human being is politeness. Reader Digest has came out with a ranking of the most courteous to the least courteous city in the its January 2008 article. New York city, USA was crowned to be the most courteous. On what basis does Readers Digest magazine came out with this ranking ? To establish this ranking, Readers Digest magazine team has set up a test called Politeness Test to prove the truth behind a statement made by Lynne Truss, an author of bestselling book â€Å"Talk to the Hand† which was 70 percent of US people are ruder now than they were 20 years ago. To measure politeness of a human being is a challenging task. However, there is always a way to measure it. The simplest way to measure this is by naturalistic observational method. To apply this method, the reporter of the Readers Digest magazine had set up three tests and one of them was â€Å"document drops† (who would help them retrieve a pile of â€Å"accidently† dropped papers) For consistency, Starbucks Coffee shop was chosen to be the venue of the test. By observing the behavior of the New Yorkers who entered the coffee shop, many perceptions were made by the reporters. For example, people who was willing to pick up the â€Å"accidently † dropped document was conside red as people who had courtesy. The question is, to what extent this qualitative data obtained from the naturalistic observation method is sufficient enough to establish the ranking? The qualitative data is valid because the biggest strength of the method is it shows realistic situation. The realism of qualitative data can be obtained because the observer cannot easily change or introduce a new stimuli into the situation. However, the major weakness of this method is the risk of biasness of the observer. During the observation, the reporter of Readers Digest magazine might be influenced by emotion when observing the rudeness of people. Therefore, this will lead to the inability to draw a correct conclusion of the observation. However, in order to make the politeness test more valid, we need a set of quantitative data to support the qualitative data. The quantitative data can be obtained by establishing a corelational research. This research is structured by introducing two variables and how they interrelated. Therefore a statistical model is carried out to prove the relation between two variables. For example, let the variables be â€Å" number of who lift up the file† and â€Å" the level of courtesy† and test whether they are independent or dependent for each sample taken from a sample population of New Yorkers. The statistics data in forms of percentage will give a strong base to support the Readers Digest Politeness Test. Since politeness is a very subjective matter, this quantitative data also cannot stand alone. Hence both data are needed in supporting this claim. 2008 is the year where economic crisis hit the world. The developed countries were facing hard times because of the many business had to shut down because of the stagnant falling of demand since people controlled the expenses. In the economy cycle, the economist predicted that recession will hit for eleven months in ten years. However, this prediction is inaccurate because recent recession hit economy only in five months. This occur because economist also is in anticipation and future is uncertainties. During economic recession, exports and imports of business are slowed down and the country will experience high rate of unemployment. For the poor country, the recession gave a big impact such as increase in the rate of poverty since many  labors were dismissed. From physicality aspect, we can observe how thin the people in the poor country when economic recession hits the world. However, this qualitative data is not enough to support the economy recession. Therefore, in order to make the claim more firm, quantitative data must be obtained from example, correlation method where two variables which are demand and supply are used. The correlation between both variables shows a clear picture of the worlds economy. The lower the demand, the lower the supply implies that demand is directly proportional supply. This will lead to reasoning part to explain why the demand is falling or rising. So things will fall in the right place the cause has been justified by reasoning. Nowadays, we have seen the emergence of the personality test on the net. Most of the current personality theories concern on the identification and measurement of the specific personality. (Zuckerman, Eysenck , Eysenck 1978 ). Lets look at personality test which is more valid. For example, Dr Campbell, a researcher on the human behavior from University of Michigan carried out a personality research which ion introversion and extroversion. People might say it is easy to distinguish those who are introverts and extroverts based on the way they communicate with the society. Yes, it is true that we can distinguish the introverts and extroverts by observing their communication skill, confidence level, the way they walk and so on. People can easily percept others based on their attitude and this kind of attitude is taken as qualitative data .Again, there might be biasness in judging people. Therefore, Dr Campbell used theoretical treatments of introversion and extroversion in order to support the qualitative data. He applied the corelational method. He came out with two variables â€Å" introversion/extroversion† and â€Å"experience seeking†. A sample of his college students were given a personality scale wish measures the relationship of the variables. According to the theory, extroverts should seek for outside stimulation whilst the introverts seek the inner stimulation. To visualize the relationships, he used Eysenck Personality Inventory and Zuckermans sensation seeking scales in order to plot the data. From there, a quantitative data can be obtained to distinguish to support the qualitative data. However, the test is too objective and there might be possibilities that the sample of college students did not do the test seriously. Art demands a critical thinking in order for us not to be easily swept away along unthinkingly into its pleasures or reject it as a knowledge . In creating the feelings and beliefs, the arts certainly do not avoid knowledge claims. For example, Leonardos famous Vitruvian man drawing represents standard physicality of a human being. What is meant by standard physicality of human being? From observation method, we know a normal human being will have two hands, two legs a head and so forth. Human being is a unique creature and hence we have to explore the entire human being by using our critical and creative thinking. This Vitruvian  man drawing has all characteristics of a normal human being. This contributes to the qualitative data. Different human being has different lengths of hands, legs and so on. Does this reason enough to prove the uniqueness of a human being? Leonardo Da Vinci was the first person who look the uniqueness of from different angle. The Vitruvian man drawing portrays the standard proportion of human body. It was the version produced by Leonardo Da Vinci, who has a vast knowledge of both anatomy and geometry made him uniquely suited to the task. Leonardos famous drawings of the Vitruvian proportions of a mans body first standing inscribed in a square and then with feet and arms outspread inscribed in a circle . By using logic ,he provides the simplest illustrations on shifting the â€Å"center of the magnitude† without a corresponding change of the â€Å"centre of the normal gravity†. This remains passing through the central line from the pit of the throat through the umbilicus and pubis between the legs. Leonardo repeatedly distinguishes these two different ‘centers of a body, which is the centers of ‘magnitude and ‘gravity (Keele 252).† The fundamental measure of 24 palms comes directly from Vitruvius definition of human height being 4 cubits or 24 palms. This quantitative data is a strong evidence to support the claim that human beings are unique. Sometimes the art themselves are not the truth but it leads us to the truth. Dancing is a part of art. It is indisputable dancing has its way of brightening up the persons day. From the aspect of health, dancing gives a significant impact in reducing stress and depression. For example, a person enters a dancing studio after facing a problem will have a brighter smile after going out of the studio. To determine whether our perception is true, we can carry out an interview in order to obtain self report from that particular person. Many questions can be asked such as â€Å"how do you feel after dancing?†and so forth. From his response, we come out with perception that he is stress free. However, this method is going to give us a weak qualitative data in order to support the claim. The interviewer might be bias during the interview session. Therefore, to justify the claim that dancing contributes in reducing stress and depression, an experiment can be carried out. The strength of the method is we have full authority in controlling our variables. For example, our variable is â€Å"number of dance† and â€Å"the number of anti depressant pills taken†. First of all, a sample of people who come problematic background has to be chosen. The hypothesis is, the greater number of dancing, the lower number anti depressant pills are being consumed. A statistical data can be obtained to support the claim. Hence, the validity of the of the claim saying that dancing can reduce stress is justifiable. Based on the justification above, I concluded that qualitative data and quantitative data play important roles on supporting the knowledge claims in human science and art. Some of the claims required both qualitative and quantitative data in order to support the claims. Although both of data have their own strengths and limitations, they are complementary each other in order to justify the every single things and events that occurs in our lives. I respect both views from Fred Kerlinger and Donald Campbell because both of the views are correct and applicable in our daily lives. There is no right or wrong on both views. It depends on situation in order to use qualitative data or quantitative data to support our knowledge claims. References â€Å" Qualitative vs Quantitative Research† â€Å" Qualitative vs Quantitative Research† Toby Murcott ; â€Å"Alternative medicine on trial?†;2005;New York;Macmillan;(page 97) Richard S.Lehman;†Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences†1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company,California(page 30) Richard S.Lehman;†Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences†1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company,California(page30) Richard S.Lehman;†Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences†1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company,California(page30) Richard S.Lehman;†Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences†1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company,California(page 28) Economics Course Companion Richard S.Lehman;†Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences†1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company,California(page 20) Richard S.Lehman;†Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences†1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company,California(page 20) Theory of Knowledge Course companion

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Recommendation Letter for Former Employee :: Business Recommendation Letters

November 20, 2004 Mr. Richard Pillsbury Manager, Marketing Services All Industries Inc. 111 Strawberry Bend, Suite 1551 Smallville, OH 05252 Dear Mr. Pillsbury: This is in response to your recent request for a letter of recommendation for Mary Lamb who worked for me up until three years ago. Mary Lamb worked under my direct supervision at Technical Technologies for a period of five and a half years ending in August 2003. During that period, I had the pleasure of seeing her blossom from a junior marketing trainee, into a fully functioning Marketing, Program Co-Ordinator, in her final year and a half with the company. That was the last position she held before moving on to a better career opportunity. Mary is a hard-working self-motivator who understands exactly what a project is all about from the outset, and how to get it done quickly and effectively. During her year and a half in the Marketing Co-Ordinator position, there was never an instance in which she missed a major deadline. She often brought projects in below budget, and a few were even completed ahead of the deadline. Ms. Lamb is a resourceful, creative, and solution-oriented person who was frequently able to come up with new and innovative approaches to her assigned projects. She functioned well as a team leader and she worked effectively as a team member under the direction of other team leaders. On the interpersonal side, Mary has superior writing and verbal communication skills. She gets along extremely well with the staff under her supervision, as well as colleagues at her own level. She is highly respected, both a person and a professional, by colleagues, employees, suppliers, and customers. A year ago, when Ms. Lamb announced her resignation to take up a new position with a larger company, we were not happy to see her leave, although we wished her the best in her new undertaking.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Battling Digital Piracy Essay -- Piracy

In today’s age where Internet can provide fast access to any kind of information and media, copyrighted content faces grave threat of infringement. The distribution and unauthorized copying of such copyrighted content results in digital piracy. Common examples are downloading and uploading movies, music, e-books, software, and other copyrighted content online. Piracy deprives the original creators, scientists and artists of the deserved incentives. Digital Piracy has caused the US Copyright Industry a loss of billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs. To protect the copyright owners’ exclusive rights and encourage original ideas for scientific progress, digital piracy needs to be curbed with appropriate measures. Thus, this paper will discuss the problems caused by digital piracy and suggest measures to reduce digital piracy. With the growing popularity of the Internet, worldwide distribution of content can be done easily at lower price easily avoiding middlemen for distribution purposes. The disadvantage of such easy access is that consumers can access content that they may not be authorized to view for free. Downloading of digital pirated data being just a click away, many internet users are resorting to illegal sites or the peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. The extent of this problem is so much so that 25% of traffic on the Internet today is one resulting from copyright infringement. The progress in digital technology has enabled the production of countless replicas inexpensively and their distribution on Internet without any hassles. Content produced without copy-protection measures, the availability of high-speed internet and cheap storage means available online; all contribute to the rising incidence of piracy. ... means. Internet was meant to be open in nature, to provide information and services to everyone but was never meant to be a gigantic piracy machine. It was not designed to facilitate access to copyrighted content and encourage sharing of protected content. There is an urgent need to do away with Internet services that encourage digital piracy. Internet Enterprises, Government and consumers should together work towards maintaining integrity of Internet and take active measures to obliterate digital piracy. FCC plays an important role by implementing policy and technical controls to achieve this. Works Cited

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Rasputin Essay -- Essays Papers

Rasputin Rasputin had a significant impact on the royal family as well as Russia during the reign of Czar Nicholas II. Rasputin was a staret that worked his way into the royal family. The influence of Rasputin on Alexis, the heir to the throne, gave him great power. The power given to Rasputin had a notable impact among the Russian people as well as Russia. Grigory Efimovich, better known as Rasputin, was born in the town of Pokrovskoe in 1871. The name Rasputin means "dissolute," for his tireless pursuit of girls, and "crossroads," in which his town was located between. He had a dual reputation of "second sight" from the beginning. It was said that he could spot a horse thief in a crowd with one glance and predict the weather for farmers. This cast a religious glow of sanctity about him. These were all factors that led up to him presenting himself to the Imperial Palace in 1905. Besides gaining the friendship of Grand Duchess Militza and Anastasia, Rasputin also gained the trust of Anna Vyrubova, Empress Alexandra's trusted companion. It was under the recommendation of the Grand Duchesses and Anna Vyrubova that Rasputin was summoned to appear before Alexandra. He showed up in crude country boots and a caftan. They saw that Rasputin was a very dirty man. He had a long, uncut beard, greasy hair that was slicked back, and terrible oral hygeine which is shown in the 3rd picture. Alexandra favored him and was obsessed with the man's ability to heal so he became her servant...

Vacant Chapter 5 Payment

We spend a quiet, comfortable evening and I can't help watching Emily for most of it. It's obvious she hasn't seen television in a while because she's mesmerized. We are watching some Cajun cooking show on public access, but to see it through her eyes, it's like we are watching the most fascinating show known to man. â€Å"I put a little mo' wine in here, maybe a little mo' wine fo' me,† the host says in a Creole southern drawl. â€Å"Oh my gosh! Ethan, he is so funny! ‘I gar-un-tee'!† she laughs as she mimics the chef, and I can't help the smile that cracks across my face. She could let the world swallow her whole with the weight of her situation, but she doesn't. Instead she carries on, seemingly carefree, laughing at the talkative old cook with the gift of gab. â€Å"Emily?† She glances over at me, still laughing at the TV. It's the moment I know I'm making the right decision. I take a deep breath, ready to lay things on the line. â€Å"Hang on! He's going to tell a story about squirrel hunting! This'll be good!† Emily says with enthusiasm. While I really need to get my thoughts out, I can't deny her this moment. It's so pure, so I decide to indulge her for the final five minutes of the show. As the Cookin' Cajun finishes, Emily focuses her attention on me. â€Å"You wanted to talk about something?† The light and sparkle in her eyes is amazing. She looks happy and carefree instead of nervous. She seems to assume the best of every situation. Given the circumstances, you'd think she would be nervous, but instead, she acts as though we're going to talk about whether she'll make oatmeal or chocolate chips cookies next. I suddenly feel something I haven't felt in a very long time: content. â€Å"Yeah,† I begin, though I'm not sure why I'm nervous, other than the fact she may say no. She may refuse my help. She may tell me to mind my own business, that she doesn't need anyone to look after her, but I have to try. â€Å"I want you to stay here.† Her mouth drops open, but no sound comes out. â€Å"With me,† I finish. I'm not sure whether her speechlessness is a result of shock or horror. I decide to play it safe with more justification. â€Å"You can't squat next door. It's not safe, it's illegal, and you don't need any hassles from the cops.† She sits for a moment with her eyes trained on her hands while her fingers twist with each other on her lap. Her hair is frizzy from the humidity, and despite having it pulled back, there are tiny tendrils sticking up forming an angelic halo around her face. After a few moments, she finally speaks. â€Å"So, what do you want in return?† What? I'm fully aware she has no money, so why would she think I would want her to pay- I'm not even finished with my own thought when I realize she's not talking about monetary payment. Nothing is ever free, and she thinks I want her in return for providing food and shelter. The thought strips me down to the core. â€Å"No!† I shout unnecessarily, but I can't help it. I do not want that! She's hiding her face, but I can see her scrunching her eyes closed. I take a breath to calm down and explain myself. â€Å"No,† I start again, much calmer than before. â€Å"I don't want anything from you, Emily. I want to help you. I know how†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I stop and take a deep breath. I need her to understand where I'm coming from. â€Å"I know how hard this situation can be.† She flinches and snaps her head up to look me in the eye. â€Å"You don't want†¦you know, then?† She gestures between us to further her point. Lie. â€Å"No. The last thing I want is for you to be taken advantage of.† While the thought of being with her physically is an attractive offer, I would never want it under that set of circumstances. I know how easy it is to become a target when you're young and in need. â€Å"But, why? Everyone wants something, Ethan. There has to be something you want from me. I mean, it's okay if you want†¦ you know†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Her cheeks flame red as she says this. God, she's so naive she can't even say the word â€Å"sex.† It only solidifies my decision that I'm doing the right thing, but she's right. People always want something in return, so I will have to give her a reason why I don't want anything from her. I have to be honest with her and let her know that I'm all too familiar with her situation.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Perspectives on the French Revolution

Perspectives on the French revolution. This essay will examine the ideologies of the French revolution of 1789. Two perspectives on the French revolution were held by the conservatives’ elite and the educated philosophers. The educated philosophers believed that a revolution was the only way that the middle and lower class were to have a say in matters of state, and obtain their rights. Their goal in the revolution was to turn the absolute monarchy into a constitutional monarchy.The conservatives believed that the absolute monarchy should stay intact to preserve their heritage, and that the revolutionary changes brought more problems than they solved. The French revolution started in 1789 and officially lasted 10 years, finishing in 1799. Although according to public opinion, many events after the official end of the revolution are considered to be included in revolution for example the rein of Napoleon Bonaparte. The revolutions started as a result of rising food prices and t he states bankruptcy. The rising food prices were primarily caused by an immense and volatile hailstorm.The food shortage may have ended there, however the hailstorm was followed by a long drought, likely caused by the El Nino effect. After the drought there was an uncharacteristically cold winter rivers and roads froze over, stopping flour from being ground by watermills, and the little food that was produced couldn’t get to the market because the roads were blocked. When spring came around and the snow finally thawed it caused floods destroying an abundance of farmland. There is also speculation that volcanic activity of Laki and Grimsvoth had a hand in the food crisis.In addition to rising food prices, the states bankruptcy, caused in part by Frances involvement in the American revolutionary war, put the monarchy in a difficult financial position. To pay its debts the state would either have to borrow money or raise the already high taxes on the third estate (Adcock, pg. 4 0). Both decisions were unfavourable as they would cause upheaval in civilian life. The taxes were already high, having been raised to pay for the many wars King Louis XIV had waged, leaving the state in debt (Neely, pg. 29).In august 1786 king Louis XVI’s minister of finance informed him of the seriousness of the financial situation. France had been in debt for about 100 years. They waged 4 separate wars between 1733 and 1783, and borrowed more than ? 1250 million since 1776. These were the major contributions to Frances debt (Adcock pg. 41, Brooman pg. 19). The king had two options, either borrow more money or raise the taxes higher than they’ve ever been. He soon discovered he couldn’t borrow more money because he was in too much debt, so he tried to introduce a new tax.This tax was called the land tax, all land owners had to pay this tax to keep the land they owned. This included the first, second and third estates land but excluded the king. All new taxes a nd laws had to be registered and approved at the law courts, or parliament in Paris. King Louis tried to pass the new tax without the estates generals’ approval. When the law courts wouldn’t allow him to introduce the new tax without their approval he exiled the entire parliament from Paris. People everywhere in France protested against this, sometimes violently, for six months until King Louis gave in and reappointed them.As a result of these main problems the people felt that the monarchy was not doing its job and that the French people needed a constitutional government to rule over them fairly. Although the philosophes did not always agree on political issues they did agree that the scientific discoveries made in the 17th century were important to all aspects of life (Neely pg. 16). Most philosophes were not traditional Christians, but rather deists. Deists believed that â€Å"knowledge of god came through study of the nature that he created† and did not bel ieve in things such as miracles (Neely pg. 7). Before the revolution the philosophes achieved the publication of the encyclopedie, a collection of knowledge with contributions from many philosophes. The first volume was published in 1751(Neely pg. 18). These encyclopedie have been blamed by some historians for the revolution. They do at least play a small role in the revolution. â€Å"what helped to bring on the revolution were not radical ideas, but rather that more and more people were now discussing public policy and taking a lively interest in political and governmental matters†(Neely pg. 1) these books were the reason people were able to be informed enough to create their own opinions. The governing of the country was no longer in the hands of just a few noble men, but majority of the population. One of the most famous philosophes was Francois-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire. He wrote a variety of philosophical works on many topics and in many forms. In 1725 he wa s exiled to Britain for three years after offending a nobleman. In Britain he learnt about the constitutional monarchy, which appeared far better than his own country’s monarchy.During this exile he wrote letter philosophiqes sur les anglais (philosophical letters on the English). He published these when he returned to France. These letters recommended the constitutional monarchy over the absolute monarchy, and sparked outrage in most people throughout the country. It is likely that these works had a hand in the revolution, once people had time to process the information. The edict of Nantes was signed in Nantes, France by Henri IV on April 15th 1598. Henri was a protestant who converted to Catholicism 4 years after succeeding the throne.The edict gave Protestants the freedom to worship as they please, made their marriages valid, allowed their priests to be paid by the state and gave full immunity for all crimes committed by both sides during the religious wars. The edict pro ved only to be a temporary solution to the religious wars and rivalry between the Protestants and Catholics. In 1685 Louis XIV revoked the edict of Nantes, declaring all protestant marriages invalid, and causing mass migration to England (Cavandish, history today).Voltaire, who had a protestant wife, wrote about the Protestants and what they were going through during this time of turmoil (Neely pg. 18). Voltaire especially had an interest in the callas case. He believed that the case showed what was wrong with the French society including religious intolerance. Jean Callas was convicted of killing his son for trying to convert to Catholicism. He was tortured and killed in public. In 3 years Voltaire cleared his name. Although the edict was revoked almost 100 years before the revolution, some historians believe it may have had a part in causing it. Enlightenment led people astray by weakening their faith in tradition and religion by placing entirely too much confidence in the abiliti es of human beings to reason and improve the world† (Neely pg. 16). The conservatives believed that the revolution would cause more problems than it would solve. Although they admit that the monarchy had its flaws, they believed it was immoral to attack the government and the church (Neely, pg. 16). It was common belief that the king was appointed by god, which meant he had the divine right to rule.Therefore, â€Å"to criticise the king was to criticise god†. Public belief in the kings’ competence to rule was largely reinforced by large oil paintings of the king at work (Adcock pg. 7). The second estate or nobility did not have to pay certain taxes (and dodged paying many others), got special treatment in law courts, had the right to carry a sword, and did not have to do military service (Brooman pg. 7). Because most of the conservatives were nobility of the second estate (upperclassmen) it is believed that there may have been a more selfish reason for their beli efs.The conservatives did not want to give up their estates, slaves, titles, and privileges (Neely pg. 16). On the 26th of august 1789 the declaration of rights of man and citizen was introduced provisionally by the parliament (Neely pg. 86). It outlined that all men were equal and free and that power did not solely belong to the king but to the people as well (Brooman pg. 33). Its main purpose was to acknowledge that these rights already exist, no to create new ones. It was merely an affirmation of the philosophes writings about the people’s rights.The document did not mention that the state had a responsibility to help the poor and unemployed. Although it was a victory for the philosophes and the third estate, they only got half of what they wanted (Adcock pg. 89). King Louis XVI or â€Å"Louis Capet† as the people insisted on calling him, was found guilty of conspiracy against the state on 7th of January 1793 (Adcock pg. 136). On the 15th of January they voted as to what punishment the king would receive. The votes were very close with 361 people who voted for death without conditions and 360 people who voted against it.Out of those 286 people voted for imprisonment or banishment and 46 people voted for death when peace time came (Neely pg. 170). On the 21st of January he was taken to place de revolution to be executed with a guillotine. Later the place de revolution was renamed to place de la Concorde to try and abate the memory and blame surrounding the place. King Louis XVI was thought of as a rallying point for the conservatives as he was part of the royalty they wished to protect. Once he was executed the conservatives had lost majority of their reason to fight.The revolution officially ended in 1799, when Napoleon Bonaparte came into power. When this happened, both the conservatives and the philosophes lost. Their separate ideals were torn apart as napoleon declared himself emperor, abolishing both the monarchy and the people voice (Adco ck pg. 193). During the revolution the French people had 4 separate national assemblies and 3 different constitutions. Many historians believe that without the help of the philosophes the French revolution may never have happened while others argue that dissatisfaction in the system causes criticism and animosity and the revolution still would ave happened eventualy. Bibliography Adcock, M 2004, Analysing the French revolution, Cambridge University Press. Brooman, J 1992, Revolution in France, Longman Group. Cavendish, R 1998, The edict of Nantes, viewed 12th September 2012 <http://www. historytoday. com/richard-cavendish/edict-nantes>3 Hampson, N 1963, A social history of the French revolution, T. J press. Neely, S 2008, A concise history of the French revolution, Rowman and Littlefield publishers.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Brief History of the Jews of Brazil Essay

The history of Jews in Brazil is a unique case, because we do not know of many other countries in which they have been significantly present in the very first movements of that nationrsquos history, continuously participating in its economic and social development. In fact, since the ldquodiscoveryldquo of Brazil to the present time, the Jews, almost without interval, openly or disguised, have been integrated into the processes of formation of Brazilian nationality. My aim in this paper is to provide a summary of Jewish history in Brazil by highlighting four major historical periods The First Portuguese Period (1500-1630) The Dutch Period (1630 -1654) The Second Portuguese Period (1654-1822) and The Cosmopolitan Period (1822-1966). br / The First Portuguese Period (1500-1630)br / ?When Portugal was at the height of its expansion in the world, in 1500, Brazil was ldquodiscoveredrdquo by the kingdom. It was then simply military glory, coupled with the desire to enlarge the Catholic faith, that compelled the Portuguese to their grand maritime expeditions (Grinberg 15). But just these reasons alone would not have sufficed to promote the extraordinary expansion of Portugal. The great cycle of the Portuguese conquests would not have been achieved without the long period of scientific discoveries and improvements that preceded it, in which the Iberian Jews played such a key role. As a prime example of this involvement, in Henry the Navigatorrsquos quotNautical School of Sagresquot, the first Portuguese academy of navigation(founded in 1412), was employed one of the most famous cartographers of the fifteenth century, the Jewish Yehuda Cresques, whose main task was to teach Portuguese pilots the basics of navigation well as the production and handling of nautical instruments (Serebrenick and Lipiner 7). br / ?The Jewish contribution to the discovery of new routes and new lands to the Portuguese crown was not limited only to the scientific field, however, but also translated into direct participation in these dangerous travels, including the expedition that resulted in the discovery of Brazil. The fleet led by Pedro Alvares Cabral, included at least three Jewish advisers the astronomer Master John, Pedro Nunes the navigator, and Gaspar de Lemos, an interpreter and ship commander, rightly regarded by historians as partly responsible for the discovery of Brazil (Serebrenick and Lipiner 9). br / ?With increasing incentives of the Portuguese government towards the occupation and settlement of the Brazilian territory, more and more Iberic Jews began migrating to Brazil. Because the wealthier Portuguese and Spanish Jews sustained a lot of the territoryrsquos early economic progress, they were able enjoy considerable freedom of worship and custom (Grinberg 21). This panorama of tolerance contrasted sharply with the wave of hatred and discrimination that swept Portugal, where, like neighboring Spain, persecution was widespread. It is thus understandable that many Jews of 1 / 3 Portugal, affected by overwhelming religious persecution, felt compelled to try a new life in Brazil,which to them seemed like a safe haven where they could materialize their aspirations for peace and freedom. br / ? The Jewish community, thanks to strong immigration and natural growth, reached a reasonable proportion in comparison with the general population, enough to counter the risk of assimilation. Around 1570, however, things took a turn for the worse, as there began to appear signs of restrictions on freedom, which only grew with time (Serebrenick and Lipiner 12). The circumstances soon forced the Jews to return, much like those in the motherland, to a life of great caution and alertness. The first official manifestation of intolerance was found in 1573 in the city of Salvador, which installed an auto-de-fe. Paradoxically, but perhaps on purpose, the first victim was not a Jew, but a Frenchman who was accused of heresy, condemned and burned alive. In Bahia, the Inquisition remained (though inactive for many years) until 1593 (Grinberg 29). br /?In 1618, Bahia was the target of a new visitation of the Holy Office, during which time many Marranos were reported and pursued, among them many wealthy men of the sugar mills. This fact that prompted the first large wave of immigration of Jews within Brazil they left the Northeast in search of the more tolerant South, especially the captaincy of Satildeo Vicente (Satildeo Paulo), which was the most liberal region (Serebrenick and Lipiner 15). Because of the growing persecution of Jews in Portugal in the last decades of the sixteenth century, they began to emigrate not only to Brazil but also, inlarge numbers, to several countries of Western Europe, especially to Holland, where flourishing trade and religious tolerance prevailed (Grinberg 32). This allowed for the rapid formation of a large Jewish community, centered in the city of Amsterdam, rightly nicknamed the quotNew Jerusalemquot. The simultaneous emigration of Portuguese Jews to Brazil and the Netherlands, led to the establishment of a commercial and affective link between the Jews of Brazil and those of Holland (Serebrenick and Lipiner 15). br / The Dutch Period (1630-1654)br / ?The hope of the Brazilian Jews that their lot would improve due to some form of Dutch intervention did not fail. Through a series of attempts at the conquest of the Brazilian Northeast in the years 1624 to 1627, the Dutch finally succeeded on February 15, 1630. The city of Pernambuco was attacked by a powerful fleet of 70 ships, effectively beginning the occupation of the Northeast, which would last until 1654. The years of peaceful Dutch rule were few, but enough to enable the Jews to rapidly flourish economically, socially and culturally, building in Northeast Brazil one of the most thriving communities of the time (Grinberg 35). br / ?With the advent of the Dutch and the consequent deployment of a great religious tolerance, the landscape was changing. Uninterrupted waves of Jews flocked to Pernambuco from several countries, especially from Holland, bringing commercial experience and a wonderful spirit of achievement. These Jews from the Netherlands ndash who were largely former refugees from Portugal,Spain and France – had the further advantage of speaking several languages Spanish, French, Ladino, Dutch, besides the most important, Portuguese, which was the language spoken in Brazil (Grinberg 35). A great number of them served as interpreters for the thousands of men in the Dutch army and navy, consisting of mercenaries – Dutch, English, French, German, Polish and others – who did not speak Portuguese. From simple interpreters, they increasingly became businessmen, merchants and landowners, coming to, in effect, virtually control the economic life of Brazilrsquos New Holland. The main street of Recife (in Pernambuco) was known as quotStreet of the Jewsquot and the port was called quotpier of the Jewsquot (Serebrenick and Lipiner 17). br /. The Second Portuguese Period (1654-1822)br / ?With the fall of Recife and subsequent surrender of the Dutch, the Jewish community in northeastern Brazil became largely scattered. A small portion of the people resigned to staying in the country, dispersing through its territory, while the majority opted for emigration. Of these, one group – consisting of the richest and probably most connected in the Netherlands – decided to return to Holland, while most preferred to face the unknown, venturing into more distant stops throughout 2 / 3 the Americas – Guyana, West Indies and New Netherlands in the United States. Numerous Jewish settlements began to appear to the North, one of which would eventually lead to the extraordinary Jewish community of the United States of America (Grinberg 52). In North America, a group of 23 Jewswho left Recife immediately after its fall, camped on September 12, 1654, on the margins of the Hudson, in the village of New Amsterdam (now New York). br / ?As already mentioned, the exodus that took place after the expulsion of the Dutch did not cover the entire Jewish population of Northeast Brazil, since a good number of Marranos resolved to remain on the land they had learned to love. These remaining Jews eventually were able to peacefully spread throughout Brazil, including in areas of the Northeast itself, minimizing the appearance of their Jewish origin (Serebrenick and Lipiner 23). Unfortunately, the flames of persecution were to be once again fanned by the Inquisition. This new wave of terror unfolded for about 70 years, especially violent in the periods 1707 to 1711 and from 1729 to 1739, making the first half of the seventeenth century perhaps the darkest period of Jewish history in Brazil (Serebrenick and Lipiner 26). Only after 1770 would the conditions come to place that would forever eradicate the cancer of the Inquisition. To this day no one knows for sure how many Jews from Brazil fell victim to the Portuguese Inquisition. br / The Cosmopolitan Period (1822-1966)br / ?Once the country was made independent from the Portuguese crown, in 1822, full freedom of conscience was established. In the second half of the century, Jews from various countries of Western Europe – French, English, Austrians and Germans ndash began to come in force to Rio de Janeiro and its neighboring states, especially in Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais(Serebrenick and Lipiner 31). Another large group emigrated from Morocco to the Amazon region. The two settlements – the Amazon region and Rio de Janeiro – did not seem keep any significant relations and had, moreover, some different characteristics (Grinberg 61). The Amazon community was more stable, while in the South, the Jews originating in Western Europe came in order to flourish and then return to their country of origin, although many would end up staying in Brazil (Grinberg 61). br / ?In the last decade of the nineteenth century Jewish immigration grew, multiplying the diversity in countries of origin and also the in regions where immigrants came to settle. Whereas until then the Jewish immigrants came almost exclusively from North Africa and Western Europe, now there were waves of Jewish immigrants from the Eastern Mediterranean – Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine – as well as Russia and neighboring countries. These settled mostly in the Southeast (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais), but also spread out in smaller groups to many other states, both to the South and Northeast. br / ?Though the scope has been very limited and many details necessarily left out, I have sought to give a brief account of Jewish life in Brazilian history. The history of Jews in Brazil is a long and honorable history, dotted undoubtedly suffering, but also full of success, translated into positive and fundamental contributions to the development of the country and the training of its people ndash and that history that is still being written. /body /html POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Development of Arabic Scripts

1. Pre – Islamic Era Arabic script is probably one of the oldest in the world, having been widely spread across cultures as this was the language used to spread Islam in major territories. Its influence can be seen in various languages which adopted Arabic script to develop their own way of recording, like Persian, Pashto, Urdu and more. But Arab scripts have evolved with major historical events of these nations (AncientScripts. com). Various accounts of the history of Arabia, the ‘island of the Arabs’, give the impression that Arabic scripts started to take form at the height of Islamization or during the time of Prophet Mohammed.It is said to have originated from the fourth century, CE but there is evidence – an ancient document – that shows Arabic script was already a medium for recording even as early as 512 CE. Long before the Prophet Mohammed was born (some authors say even 700 years before Mohammed), the Arabs already had established a form of written language which originally was used by the Nabateans who once inhabited a territory which is now the kingdom of Jordan. This was called the Nabatean script, which evolved from the Aramaic language.The Nabataean script was an off – shoot of the Aramaic alphabet which developed in the first century CE on the Sinai Peninsula and in North Arabia. It differs conspicuously from other Aramaic varieties by making extensive use of ligatures. Stone inscriptions in the Nabataean script are found from Petra, the capital of the Nabataean Kingdon (c. 150 CE to 100 CE), to Damascus and Medina. The script is not attested in manuscripts, although its cursive character with letters frequently joined together indicates common use.The language of the inscriptions is Nabataean, a close cognate of Aramaic – other authors claim it s Aramaic and that the Nabataeans had dual language styles for communication: written in Aramaic, verbal in Arabic. Spread over a wide area, the script exh ibits considerable variation with highly diverse letter shapes. Its significance for the history of writing lies in its being the immediate forebear of the Arabic script. Certain features of the Arabic character, such as the existence of separate final forms for certain letters, are already foreshadowed in Nabataean writing.Its transformation into the Arabic script took place in the fourth and fifth centuries CE (Calmous 350). In the North of the Syrian Desert, the Arabs were involved in world politics very much earlier. Even under the Assyrian king Tiglath – Pileser III (745 – 728BC), there was an Arabi kingdom there with its capital in the Jawf, which was ruled by queens and remained one of the vassal states of Assyria until the time of Essarhaddon (689 – 669 BC). The Babylonian King Nabunaid (556 – 539 BC) had his residence for some time in the oasis of Tayma, which was the base of his expeditions against the west.An Aramaic inscription from the Persia n era found there indicates the organization of the city cult, with its priests and temple gods. Then as early as the period of the last Achaemenians, the Nabataean state sprang up (in a territory of modern day Jordan). This state controlled the caravan trade from South Africa to Medina and remained significantly independent since Alexander the Great’s plan of conquering Arabia by sea from east and west simultaneously was not resumed by his successors.At first, Petra’s commerce was drawn to Bostra, where caravans then proceeded to Chalcis, below Lebanon and Emesa, Edessa, and Hatra toward the north and east. The Nabataeans adopted the titles of their officials and military leaders from neighboring Hellenistic states. The Nabataean capital was Petra, a mountain fortress lying about halfway between the Dead Sea and the tip of the Arabian gulf (Brockelman 6).Numerous inscriptions and ruins found in the rock – cut tombs bear witness to the flourishing civilization o f the Nabataeans but in these inscriptions, Aramaic was used for it was then the official language dating as far back as the time of the Achaemenians. There are also accounts of other historians that Arabic was the spoken language of the Nabataeans but they write using Aramaic. Initially, they were considered by the Romans as allies until the time of Trajan but due to doubts over their ambiguity during the Jewish insurrection under Titus, the Nabataean Kingdom was absorbed as Provincia Arabia in 106 BC.The civilized areas – or the major cities where trades occur – were marked off from the deset by a chain of fortifications which were far from being strong as the Limes on the Rhine and on the Danube frontier (Brockelman 6). But in another Arab state, Palmyra, the Nabataeans found a more fortunate heir. In the wars between Rome and the Parthians, Palmyra was prudently neutral and by the time of Augustus, was able to extend its trade connections to Rome, Dacia, Gaul and S pain. The Severian Dynasty, also half – Semitic, showed favor on Palmyra.From 260 onwards King Odenat extended his rule over the entire Syria and was even acknowledged by the weak Roman Emperor, Gallienus, as co – emperor for the Orient. After his death in 268, his wife Zenobia maintained his power for a time but Aurelianus destroyed Palmyra in 273. This tragedy would be retold through generations even until the first centuries of Islam. (Brockelmann 7). Palmyra represented the last stance of Arab independence pre – Islam and its fall marked a loss of Arab independence.No other Arab state in the north remained free after this and they were used as vassals by the Romans and Byzantines to ward off incursions of the nomads (Bedouins, or Arabs) into the settled regions. This is probably why the Nabataeans retained their scripts even under Roman rule – because they continued with their trades and were also vassals to ward off their own kind from coming into ma jor cities of commerce (Brockelmann 7). In the 6th century, however, the Ghassanid dynasty ruled at Damascus, east of the Jordan.He was designated by Justinian in 529 as patricius and phylarch with supreme authority over all the Arabs in the northern Syria. But this power again dissolved into fragmentary principalities after his death and when they won over the Persians, the Roman Emperor let their officials rule until a Muslim onslaught brought another Ghassanid ruler of the Syrian Arabs (Brockelmann 8). Before and during these periods, the Arabs had been exposed to Christianity (Yah-weh / Judaism) at one time or another.First, from the Roman Empire Christianity exercising great power over them, down to the Lakhmid Dynasty in Hirah who once served the Persians and had finally gone to the Christian faith of their urban subjects, even the Bedouins in the north were in intimate contact with the indigenous Aramean population, who had long since been swallowed up by Christianity. Inner Arabia also due to their trading cities of the Hijaz must have also been permeated by a knowledge of Christian teachings and customs, however superficial, as a result of the steady traffic with related tribes in the north.The anchorites, whose cells must have spread from Palestine and Sinai Peninsula far into the desert, no doubt also made a great many contributions. In addition, the desert was an asylum from some sects persecuted by the established church, and precisely these may have spread their doctrines with more success than the Orthodox Church. During these times, however, the Aramaic language still remained the official and principal administrative language.Thus, most of the inscriptions on the Petra were in Aramaic but there have been evidence showing that the Nabataeans before used their own language for their local transactions and in oral exchange, but retained Aramaic for recording due to its value in trading with other countries. Other authors propose that some Arab na tions or states were actually oral groups; meaning, they hand down their stories by telling and re – telling it and still could keep it fresh in their memories but there are also groups who were visual, or those which could not keep a mental record of events thus, keep records in tablet form.Nomads, for instance, or Bedouins, often recite poetry in their gatherings inside their tents wherever they are in the dessert. But those engaged in trades, in the major cities, often would chose to write to keep a record of their transactions. Many believe that the ancient Arabs’ exposure to Christians / those practicing Judaism probably justifies the influence or traces of Sumerian, Greek, Akkadian or Aramaic system to an otherwise Semitic heritage in the Arabic scripts or written as well as spoken languages.But others argue that though there appear some points for seeming similarities, these actually represent the observed or practiced systems used by different countries at the time. While some authors attribute the variations to assimilation, others believe the language and therefore, the scripts, evolved following events in Arab history. But in the case of the Nabataeans from the former territory now called Jordan, they were able to keep both, Arab language and Aramaic scripts.This is perhaps because all Arabs, including the Nabataeans who were under Roman rule for many years, were used as vassals against their own Arab brothers. Thus they kept their language to communicate with each other, and for trading purposes, maintained Aramaic. The duality could perhaps be due to the fact that two somewhat differing entities formed their society then: the urban people and the nomads (whom they had to ward off from the center of civilization, as was their task as vassals for the Roman Empire).The former relied so much on writing for keeping records, while the latter, used word of mouth to communicate information, even recite poetry. Other authors though, believe t hat the Aramaic inscriptions on the Petra were in fact the written or Arabic script at the time. Prior to Mohammed’s birth, some Arabs were Christians, others primitive in their exercise of faith, as was their political life. Like they believed that their surroundings had forces superior to those of man.These forces were believed to be like the human soul but with dangerous powers that could turn them into demons. They, Semites, regarded trees, stones, caves, springs and large stones are inhabited by spirits. The Black Stone of Islam in a corner of the KaBah, Mecca, in Petra and other places in Arabia stones were venerated also. Every tribe has its own god but also recognized the power of other tribal gods in their own sphere. Individual clans sometimes named themselves after other gods than those of the tribe, and the same divinity was worshipped by various tribes.The gods had fixed abodes, after the tribe has departed, they enjoyed the worship of its successors; the tribes returned once or twice a year to worship (Brockelmann 9). Contrary to claims of the Jews and Christians, the Arabs already did believe in a God, creator of the world, in addition to the gods and goddesses – even before the birth of Islam. 2. The Prophet Mohammed The Prophet Mohammed, ergo, the birth of Islam has also brought about changes in the Arabic scripts. He has touched a cord in Arab history and left an influence that would govern every aspect of Arabian nations long after he had gone.The Arab ruling group began to identify its new order with a revelation by God to Mohammed, then a citizen of Mecca, in the form of a Holy Book, the Qur’an. This was a revelation which completed those given to earlier prophets or messengers of God and created a new religion, Islam, distinct and separate from Judaism and Christianity (Hourani 15). The most obscure part of his life was the early one. It is said he was born in Mecca, a town in Western Arabia, near or in the year 570. His family belonged to the tribe of Quraysh, although not to its powerful part.This tribe was composed of traders who had contacts with the pastoral tribes around Mecca, relations with Syria and south – western Arabia. He worked for – and later married – a widow and managed her business for her. One day he received a message from an ‘angel, seen in the form of a man on the horizon’ who called him to become a messenger of God. Affirmed by his wife, he them began relaying messages which he believed were revealed to him by an angel of God: that the world would end, that God would judge all men and the pains of Hell and delights of Heaven were vividly described.Gradually he had a following, including young members of the influential families of their tribe, Quraysh, members of minor families and clients of other tribes who had placed themselves under the protection of Quraysh, and some craftsmen and slaves. As his teachings developed, its difference fro m the teachings of the time became apparent and placed him more explicitly in the line of prophets of the Jews and Christian tradition (Hourani 1991). Mohammed demanded of his followers’ profession of belief in the One God and the surrender to God’s will, islam, after which his religion took its name.Probably very early he also levied a poor – tax for the maintenance of needgy members of the community but it was only later in Medina that it assumed greater significance. The chief duty of the faithful, by virtue of which they professed membership in the community, was praying at first twice, then three times, and only later five times a day. Mohammed’s teachings were not accepted by some of the Arabs, in fact, he and his followers were locked up in a ravine. When his wife and uncle died, he had to move to Mecca after his brother, a strong opponent of his religion, took his uncle’s place.But he was not accepted there as well and driven away by stonin g that he never returned to the place until he received assurance from a relative that he will be protected. Within his lifetime, Mohammed started his mission of religious and political unification of Arabia. He abolished the foothold of paganism in Mecca and later in all Arab states. Then after his death, he was succeeded by his father –in – law and started the caliphate. The caliphate succeeded in subduing and conquering neighboring places and spread Islam with it.There were oppositions to it, like people willing to follow the religion or Allah’s will but not pay taxes. In the long run, however, they were either driven by force, fear or respect for the Allah so that the religion flourished in almost all of Asia, the Mediterranean as well as some parts of Europe (Hourani 6). It was after the conquest of Mesopotamia that a school for the study of Islam and its development was built in the city of Kufa. Kufa is the place where the kufic script was developed / ori ginated, hence the name.Due to variations in the languages of peoples – converts – under Islamic rule, they felt the need to provide uniformity of religious concepts and practices so that scholars created some form of a dictionary which was later discarded. But that, to some analysts, was actually the first helpful step in Arab history for establishing the common literary standard of Islamic scholars (Brockelmann 15) The extent to which the intellectual life of the epoch was still dominated by Arabic and by the great past of the Arabs is also attested to by the two major focus of interest of the educated world: philology and history.The former had risen in connection with the Qur’an. It was necessary that the numerous new converts, born in communities of different speech, develop and perfect an understanding of the diving word and its proper application in effective prayer. It was just an urgent need to enable them to acieve a complete mastery of the nuances of Arabic and its excessively rich vocabulary (Brockelmann 119). It was in the city of Kufa and Basra where classes on history and literature were conducted.Kufa was also chosen as the major place for studying Islam and mastering the Qur’an. Due to the various languages of the newly converted Islams, the kufic script was developed mainly as the medium to copy Qur’an and to create a vast collection of commentaries on the Qur’anic verses. This was done in order for converts of different languages to understand one common version of the Qu’ran. Angular, which was most likely a product of inscribing on hard surfaces such as wood or stone, kufic soon became the principal script for copying the Qu’ran.For the same reason (having a principal script for copying the Qur’an), the nakshi script, also known as the ‘Mecca – Medina’ script came about. It is thought to have been developed by Abu Ali Muhammad Ibn Muqlah (died 940) and intro duced in Baghdad, once the seat of literature in Arabia. The nakshi is one of the earliest book hands and is more cursive than the angular kufic script. Because of its elegance and legibility, the nakshi script as of the eleventh century gradually superseded kufic as the principal script for writing the Qur’an.Nakshi has also been widely used for languages other than Arabic, like Persian, Turkish, Malay, Kiswahili, Hausa, and Serbo – Croatian, among others. And from this script, other styles have also developed, the most popular of which are the riqa, diwani, and the thuluth (Calmous 351). Another off – shoot of the nakshi script is the nastaliq script, which was first seen in the thirteenth century CE, developed by Mir Ali, a calligrapher from Tabriz. It evolved as a combination of nakshi and taliq, hence the name nastaliq.While nakshi was primarily used for copying the Qur’an, the nastaliq, on the other hand, was widely used for manuscripts and architec tural monuments, particularly in Persia (Calmous 353). With the invasion of Persia came another development in language and scripts. Farsi, actually a combination of Arabic and European languages, was used by the Persians and Arab residents in that area. Other authors claim that Abu Ali Muhammad Ibn Muglah, a vizier in Baghdad, invented the sitta, a canon of six cursive scripts which include the thuluth, nakshi, rihani, muhaqqaq, tauqi and riqa.This was later augmented to include four more scripts, ghubar, tumar, taliq and nastaliq, which came to be used in the whole Islamic world. While these cursive scripts were popular with calligraphers and illuminators, they never replaced the kufic althogether, except for the nakshi – other writers claim it superseded the kufic by the eleventh century. Today, in many religious writings, kufic headings are still used, in combination with the main body of the text written in cursive script (Calmous 66). One cannot study the Arabic scripts without touching on Arabic calligraphy.Since the Prophet Mohammad stated God’s message in his native tongue, Arabic (scholars think he was actually using a combination of Aramaic and Nabataean languages, otherwise now known and indiscriminately described as Arabic), the Qur’an hence was also written in this language. Arabic, has therefore, been revered as God’s language and every letter of the Arabic alphabet is regarded as a manifestation of God (Calmous 64). Thus, for many Muslims the Qur’an should not be rendered in any other language.As the written version of the revelation, it must always be copied in Arabic. Since, in the wake of the Islamic conquest Islam as a religion was carried to regions of many different tongues, written Arabic acquired an important function as a unifying bond of the various Islamic peoples. Writing itself came to be regarded as an expression of faith. In this spirit it developed into a religious inspired art with a special s tatus that no other forms of aesthetic expression was able to attain – calligraphy (Calmous 64).A great variety of materials was used to receive calligraphic writing: stone, glass, ceramics, metalwork, woodwork, carpets and other textiles, as well as parchment paper and other surfaces of manuscript writing. The adaptability of Arabic scripts and their ability to be modified is attributed to the early use of such a variety of surfaces (Calmous 64). Because of its religious significance, great importance is attached to the literal contents of Islamic calligraphy. Yet, sometimes the verbal message is pushed into the background by the decorative function.As many students of Islamic calligraphy pointed out, there are a great number of inscriptions which defy easy reading. Orthographic mistakes and peculiarities as well as typographic idiosyncrasies render inscriptions on such sanctuaries as the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem (seventh century), the Qutab Minar in Delhi (eleventh cen tury) and the Masjid-i-Shah Mosque in Isfahan (seventeenth century) virtually impossible to decipher. This suggests that the viewer of these works was not always expected to read the text.In many instances of decorative writing, the symbolic message was conveyed by other means. For instance, an inscription on a tomb or the wall of a mosque would be recognized as a holy phrase, no matter whether it could actually be read or not (Calmous 66). History shows that the development of Arabic scripts, as opposed to Arabic calligraphy, was purely for a functional rather than decorative purpose. However, for many who find it impossible to decipher scripts or calligraphic art in Arabic, they would have to look deeper into the history of Arabic nations, with focus on the history of Islam.Those who wish to decipher and understand the numerous transitions the Arabic scripts have gone through across the centuries would better grasp, and maybe even be guided by the annals of history. For instance, while others think nakshi has superseded kufic being the principal language or medium of communication or transmitting the Qur’an, it would help them understand better or find out more if such is the fact by assessing the current or be updated with the present print media being used by Islam.On the other hand, as is occurring amongst Christians all over the world, with all the versions and different languages or Arabic scripts used to print the Qur’an, is there any chance that there may be issues of misinterpretations considering that there is not an exact equivalent of one word across the different scripts or languages? Or is it safe to assume that the later scripts developed (nakshi, kufic, thuluth) found exactly the same words from Arabic translated to these scripts in exact precision?It may not be humanly possible to decipher each and every variation of the Qur’an copied in the different scripts like nakshi and kufic to see if precisely the same words have t he same meaning in the original Arabic version. But if for the interest of curiosity one should start to do an inquest, maybe it would save him time to reflect on the following observations and then make his own inferences:First of all, in spite of the variations or the versions of Arabic scripts by which the Qur’an is written, it is amazing how there is only one version of Islam the religion and all things corollary to Allah’s orders are the same things every Muslim believes. Comparing the Islam faith with Christianity, there are thousands of types of Christians all over the world – some of which were formed on the basis of their understanding of some verses in the Holy Bible.Though both the Holy Bible and the Holy Qur’an have been translated or transliterated or written in different scripts, the uniformity of treatment and application of the religious concepts practiced by Islams all over the world is simply amazing. It therefore becomes easy to infer t hat the kufic and nakshi scripts, used in copying Qur’an, may have therefore been religiously developed. And the purpose therefore, of developing such scripts to help other Islamic converts understand it, was achieved.